Deities of the Nothingness

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This is a group of deities in the Storyverse who are immortal and quite powerful. Some of them actually work with the Janitor Menagerie, while others are actively against it, some to the point of being considered dangerous Interlopers. None of them are powerful enough to put up a fight against Doña Sapphira. In addition, some of them were always immortal/deities, while others became as such through various means. Not all of them consider themselves deities.

Note that being immortal does not necessarily mean they can't feel pain or be killed, they'll just regenerate. Also note that being immortal and being a deity are two separate things, but often there's a big overlap between the two. It is best to assume a deity is also immortal until proven otherwise.

(Please consider this page a work in progress, as each character will have their own separate pages with more information in the future.)


God of Radio, Shadows, and Friendship

(man, straight)

A very powerful Silhoub, was killed via strangulation 1024 out of 1024 times, the highest amount and percentage for a Silhoub to date; he is a relatively quiet person, but cares deeply for his friends (even different versions of them across different Stories)


Deity of Video, Colors, and Kindness

(agender (ve/ver/vis/vis/verself), bi)

A frilly fashion model with a modern video camera for a head (ve can actually record things, the camera zoom acts as an eye-squint, etc); full name Manu Odalis Valdez (MOV video format); twin sibling of Tomás, and thus also Afro-Latine.


Goddess of Data, Lights, and Loyalty

(woman, ace)

Her name is a combination of Ada [Lovelace] and Anais; name should have accent over i; she’s Puerto Rican, has hard light, light-manipulation, and data-manipulation powers, and is rather outgoing; she became a deity by basically exploiting a loophole in the ‘code’ of her universe (which she patched after becoming a deity)


Deity of Shortcuts, Malfunctions, and Deception

(nonbinary (ze/hir/hir/hirs/hirself), ‘straight’ (only into women))

Hir name comes from paronomasia, which is the more fancy term for pun; a rather egotistical Scrivenion, has mastered word magic far beyond most others of his kind; in particular ze loves to make puns that will manifest spells, for example making a pun with the word 'cut' to manifest an attacking pair of scissors.

Mr. TV

God of Graphics, Surprises, and Distraction

(man, gay)

A TV-headed prankster (modern flat TV), real name Tomás Valdez; he will sometimes mess with Janitors by giving them red-herrings during their missions, and sometimes “Easter egg” type events. He loves electronic and house music, and has an Etsy shop where he sells various pins, buttons, and other trinkets. He’s very big on graffiti art too. Tomás ‘speaks’ using a text-to-speech type of voice, and can show various images on his screen-head. Design reference: He is Afro-Latino, his head is a modern flat TV, and he wears a kilt and ripped leggings underneath. (If he had a theme, it would be something like "Burn the House Down" by AJR).


Goddess of Obstacles, Conflict, and Frustration

(woman, lesbian)

Her name is pronounced the same as “Echidna", the mother of all monsters, just with a χ (“chi”); this Caretue lady spells it this way to look cool; Spelling it like ”Exdna” is also acceptable as long as you pronounce it right, according to her; she is a Caretue who only actually cares about herself, therefore what she does is to satisfy her own selfish desires than trying to find someone to care for; she also has great alchemical abilities, taking a large amount of Guardsplane mist with her to manipulate freely, and is even a Seamstress of Monstrous Flesh; she is a rather cruel lady (the “real" Maddy), creating monsters that are basically equivalent to harder bonus bosses in video games


God of Despair, Soul, and Apathy

(man, ace)

His name is pronounced the same as the work ‘dark’; A very somber and serious man who is proficient in many dark arts; he unfortunately suffers from insomnia, which has resulted in permanent bags under his eyes; in the Story he was originally from, he was the villain of the Story who was trying to forcefully make the world more orderly for his own evil schemes; the Story was eventually ‘lost’ somehow.

Darqe became immortal as a result and he became aware of Stories in general; now he seeks to meddle in other Stories; Secretly he came from the same Story as Buddy, who was the hero. They both sometimes meet for tea parties, as Darqe isn’t as bad as he used to be. Buddy likes to bring tea/coffee/snacks he finds during his travels for these parties.

If Darqe had a voice, he would sound like either a deep Tim Curry, or Tony Jay (the voice actor for Megabyte in the Reboot cartoon); has black rose thorns growing out of his body, including a large one out of his right (our left) eye; these thorns stem from being "possessed" by the Necroplant, which is a powerful but cursed plant that can grant powerful magic to those who can handle it. Most people who attempt to control the Necroplant eventually turn themselves into a plant 'zombie'; however, Darqe has managed to get the cursed plant permanently under control, though he still has to deal with chronic pain related to this condition; due to his possession by the Necroplant, he has powerful abilities related to necrobotany (control over plants, as long as they're dead)


God of Abstraction, Mind, and Bewilderment

(man, pan)

He is a Miran whose humanoid appearance is an anthro Wolpertinger, and whose physical location is a very abstract and dreamy place (similar to that one episode of Ed Edd ’n Eddy, or the levels in Bubsy 3D); he is not very emotive and has a flat voice, but still loves to mess with people.

He enjoys making things make no sense, especially in context and in relation to the rest of the Story, for the fun of it as well as to intentionally piss people off; Likes to act as a "Giant Space Flea out of Nowhere" type of character, cliffhangers, etc; named for REM sleep.


Deity of Pain, Body, and Malice

("anti-gender" (it/its), anti-relationships)

It is an Obscurity who looks like a flayed person wearing a mask. It claims that its name means “evil child” in its native tongue, and it tries to cause trouble across different Stories, but many suspect that it is its species’ equivalent of an edgelord. It enjoys cruelty and torture on characters for the fun of it; killing characters it doesn’t like, or at least trying to.

It does not particularly like the idea of gender nor sexuality, to the point of even hating both concepts, so even calling it ‘agender and ace’ would be inaccurate to how it feels about itself.


First letter of the Phoenician alphabet

(basically no gender or sexuality (kind of like T’zalko, but not to the point of outright hating it, just indifferent); goes by it/its)

It was an abandoned robot with its feet missing. Now it floats, with its long platinum white hair floating too (think Eris from the Sinbad animated movie). Due to mysterious circumstances, it was revived into an “Arbiter of Good”, becoming an immortal and indestructible robot. In essence, ‘alp meddles in Stories to try and make them full of more “Goodness”, even if that means attempting to stop protagonists from being too morally grey and eliminating villain protagonists. So now the Janitor Menagerie have to be on the lookout for it.

It communicates through glitching and computer noises, with a hologram of symbols on its face to communicate further (usually not a face, sometimes text emojis though, kinda like Zero from Borderlands), and can also communicates in sign language if needed. Can manipulate energy in all forms, and is good with technology. It will sometimes disguise itself as a human with a mask, and in such a form it tends to lean towards Lolita/Victorian styles, for both men and women. Generally friendly and polite to most people, even to Janitors trying to stop it, but has no patience for any Interlopers (nor any other evil/villain characters, for that matter).


Polish last name, but not actually Polish, meant to be a sort of mirror to ‘alp, being a name that would be listed last

(technically would be polygender?? Despite that, she goes by she/her and refers to herself as a woman)

She is a bug made out of bugs, the Queen of Law; on good terms with 'alp, both are good friends of one another. Appearing as a tall androgynous lady that is ‘made’ of bugs. She ends up having to get her emotions across through her voice and hand gestures. Also knows sign language for those who wouldn’t be able to understand her otherwise (no lip-reading).

She has shapeshifting powers, can make more arms and legs (and more joints) for herself, and shift into other forms but has to use ‘bug parts’ (such as a ‘cat’ with a tail resembling a millipede). This applies to her base ‘human’ form as well. She is also basically a Invertemancer (intervebrae + -mancer suffix), able to control and manipulate bugs, arthopods, slugs, octopi, and other invertebrae. She sends out her bugs to ‘eat’ the 'chaos' (some form of mysterious energy...?) in a Story, essentially to make it more manageable and make a happy ending more likely to achieve. Sometimes she ends up meddling a bit too much, trying to make things more ‘orderly’ and lawful than they should be, at which point Janitors are sent to make her knock it off. Despite this, she is on relatively good terms with the Menagerie overall. Most of the time...

She seems to have some connection to Corrie...


Real name: Críostóir Tighearnach Ó hEachthighearna

Críostóir (Irish form of Christopher, pronounced similar to ”Chris-twohr”) Tighearnach (pronounced “TEER-nakh”) Ó hEachthighearna (pronounced “O HAKH-hi-yuhr-nuh”, intentionally picked this because it’s very long and confusing to pronounce; alternatively spelled with an apostrophe: O’hEachthighearna)

(cis man, pan, a Payaph)

It is unknown why or how he became immortal, but this (fake) king claims to be 'the' King of Chaos; he feeds off of fear by appearing to be completely evil, even using illusions to simulate violent acts (the method by which he became immortal seems to have weakened the moral code that is ingrained in normal Payaphim). He is too cowardly to actually go through with anything truly serious, but he puts up an amazing act. Plus he encourages other people to do awful things in his stead, so that he can feed off the resulting fear (he draws the line at rape and torture, but thinks murder is fine, so that’s... something).

He and Corrie are in a relationship; She is ’in charge’ even though King is more powerful; It’s a very unhealthy and toxic relationship for him (not so much Corrie; it’s very one-sided), but for some reason he doesn’t seem to mind if it’s her (only her)

He seems to be Irish; has a ridiculous Irish name, and an accent, though he tries to mask it by imitating an American one. When he gets stressed, his real accent slips. As a human, he’d be just white Irish. Dark red hair, some freckles, and probably those weird green/blue/grey eyes that seem to change color based on the light.


(woman, straight)

Name comes from corrupter + Carrie

A corrupting mass of eyes and evil, often appearing as a blue-eyed blonde lady in a bright red dress; loves rust, rot, death, decay, corrupted data, body horror, etc; Also obsessed with edgy AUs, grimdark stories, the idea of turning characters evil/bad to make your own self-insert look good, edgy things for the sake of self-satisfaction/fetish, etc. "You can't break any rules if they were already 'broken'/faulty to begin with"/"I'll make my own rules (or corrupt/manipulate existing ones) for my own needs"

She was a human woman (essentially the worst example of a fujoshi) who summoned a corruption eldritch hivemind and managed to bind it to herself, and as a result has effectively become an embodiment of corruption; is dating(?) King (it’s a very toxic relationship, but both of them seem to enjoy it...? (If she had a theme, it would be something like "Monster" by KIRA [it’s a Vocaloid song])


(genderfluid, has a dice to determine pronouns/gender)

A being who is a Payaph, Silhoub, and Miran at the same time; in essence, a person who was creative enough to be a Miran was also killed a number of times tragically (to become a Silhoub), and also died while have an intense dream (to become a Payaph).

Pagliaccie would probably be among the most powerful beings in the Storyverse, possibly second to the Doña, but they are often too apathetic or depressed to do much. They can switch between their Payaph/Silhoub/Miran forms at will, but only has access to certain powers based on the current form.


Real name Zeddward Deux Machina, middle and last name are a play on Deus Ex Machina. Man, straight.

A wild cartoon man, sort of a cross between original Mask and Marvel's Slapstick character. Has a permanent smile on his face, and his head turns literally upside-down if he feels any negative emotions. He speaks with a very cliche Jersey accent, almost like Snap from Chalk Zone but a bit lower pitched.

Has anger problems, and tends to kill people for petty reasons. Originally would mess with and kill people in Stories indiscriminately, including Janitors, which got him labeled as an Interloper. He then got literally destroyed by the Doña 108 times in a row. After this, Zeddie restricts his antics against non-vital individuals in Stories, though he's still considered an Interloper due to how dangerous and unpredictable he still is.

The Jester Maestro

Real name supposedly Jericho, but goes by other names depending on what kind of Story he inserts himself into (other known names: JesterMan, Eminence). Man, ace.

No one knows his past, not even Jest himself (so he says). He is a Strongman type of Payaph. Very condescending and loves to mess with people, though not to a lethal degree like Zeddie. On that note, Jester and Zeddie are somehow best friends, acting as a sort of "Statler and Waldorf" duo by heckling other people, especially Janitors. Jester speaks with a bit of an Italian accent, and in terms of comparing how his voice sounds, he'd sound like Piedmon's dub voice.

Jester has the standard range of Payaph powers, like shapeshifting and dream eating, along with powers related to physical strength. His favorite emotions to feed off of are anger directed at him, hence why he tends to troll people so much. He also enjoys feeding on the egos/self-pride of antagonists and generally evil characters, and especially feeding off of the despair of such egotistical characters when they fail.


Their name is a variation of Daniel, meant to look like the word "denial". They go by they/them, but they're not really sure about their gender nor orientation. Or at the least they don't like to think about it very much, along with anything else they still vaguely remember from before they became immortal.

They look human, with pale skin and greyish green hair, except for their eyes which are missing even though they're still somehow about to see things just fine. Also has golden stitching around their neck. They are constantly in denial about being immortal or seeing/experiencing unusual things, and insist that everything is fine. They have severe anxiety issues.

They tend to hang out in the safe Miranim that are known to the Menagerie. it is unknown if they have any special powers beyond being immortal, and they don't seem very keen to try and figure that out. They're "friends" with Zeddie and the Jester Maestro somehow, with the latter two feeling pity for Danial for how they are as an immortal in denial.

Judge Tiaté

Her name was intended to come from "negotiate". Woman, straight.

She is an object head with a classic set of scales as her head, specifically the kind used as the "scales of justice". Hers are ornate and golden, and also have her eyes. Judge Tiaté apparently did not have this head until she became immortal, but she seems to have adjusted to it in the millennia since then. She has a vault somewhere (possibly inside of a Miran) full of valuable treasures, and is constantly traveling across Stories and the Nothingness to buy/sell/trade for more treasures.

She has a very serious personality, being very blunt, logical, and to the point. She very much looks down on pretty much everyone, especially non-immortals. Judge Tiaté has practically no sense of humor, not understanding jokes or puns even when they're explained to her.

She is a master at haggling and pressuring people to agree with her, slowly breaking them down with manipulative arguments. She will only give people a fair trade or price if she thinks they already deserve it, or if they've earned it by either countering her haggling in a way that meets her standards, or otherwise by putting up with her haggling for long enough.

She is "friends" with Danial, Zeddie, and Jester Maestro, but it seems to be they just annoy her the least out of others. She is on bad terms with the Doña due to trying to haggle with Her for one of Her tapestries several times.


Their name is the name of a music genre that often get described as lighthearted. They go by Divi as a nickname. They/them pronouns of course, and considers themself to be aroace and agender.

A Serenade-esque character, very calm and friendly. They are human in appearance, with dark skin and blond hair shaved down. Their eyes have golden irises and black sclera. They tend to dress in white and black, with some golden accessories, especially various earrings. They genuinely consider Danial, Judge Tiaté, Zeddie, and the Jester Maestro to be their friends, being on good terms with all of them.

They have total control over light, energy, and magic in general, being able to easily cast magic that may be impossible in certain Stories. It is believed that Divertimento may have been a former human who tried to artificially become a Celestirit, but Divi themselves admittedly can't remember their life before becoming immortal and gaining their powers.

They could very well be the second most powerful character in the Storyverse next to the Doña, but their mellow and easygoing personality means they don't have much motivation or need to actual use their own powers very often. Divertimento is content with just wandering various Stories and locations in the Nothingness, observing what happens and even making new friends on occasion.

They will help with Menagerie affairs when asked, though it can be hard to track them down in order to ask. Even then, they really do not like to fight very much unless necessary (such as preventing the destruction of a Story), so contacting Divertimento for this kind of favor is usually a very last resort for extreme cases.