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Vagabonds are individuals, sometimes small groups, which are unassociated with groups like the Janitor Menagerie, but also aren't considered Interlopers. Instead, these are simply individuals who travel the Nothingness and hop around to different Stories for various reason. The following is a list of known vagabonds.


Pale Russian-American lady, has vitiligo and heterochromia (brown and hazel a random occurrence happened in her original Story, where different versions of her had switches places across multiple timelines; this got to the point where all of these versions effectively combined into one person, at which point the Story ejected her from itself, possibly as a defense mechanism; Anya is immortal as a result of this occurrence; she is content with just trying to live a normal life despite what happened; she has no special powers or magic of her own, though the Doña keeps an eye on her regardless, mostly to make sure she stays safe; Anya travels to different Stories to just live out life, she does her best to avoid messing with any Tales


Jester Maestro's granddaughter


Real name: Caoimhín Niall Ó hEachthighearna

Caoimhín (pronounced “KEEV-een”, basically Irish form of Kevin) Niall (pronounced same as Neil) Ó hEachthighearna (pronounced “O HAKH-hi-yuhr-nuh”, intentionally picked this because it’s very long and confusing to pronounce; alternatively spelled with an apostrophe: O’hEachthighearna

Seems to be King’s twin brother... somehow? Though at the least, Kevin is not immortal, he simply gets "reincarnated" at each point where he would have just faded away normally like most Payaphim; Much more polite and friendly than his brother, only has abilities related to being a magician.; Has red hair, green-yellow eyes, and a proper magician’s top hat. His brother has dark red hair (though not too dark), purple-red eyes (more like magenta, since that’s basically a color that’s not supposed to exist), and a hat that looks like a cross between a bowler hat and a fedora. Both he and his brother have freckles, though Kevin has much more of them.


A giant black cat-god with 9 eyes (all orange in color), 9 ears, and 9 tails. A trinity of trinities of trinities! He seems to be a very rare form of animal-like Celestirit. Acts like a cat as expected, and tends to be followed around by a parade of long-dead ghost cats who proclaim him to be "The King O' Cats". He has control over cats, luck, and autumn.


(WIP) an alchemist and magic researcher than lives with a Miran roommate in an "endless pawn shop/apothecary" space, said Miran also has a chess pawn for a head; similar in appareance to the classical description of the Ars Goetia demon of the same name (bull, eagle aspects plus wolf to fit the Zagames' description, plus the skull face and fire 'halo' to fit the Faemons' description), basically like a "prototype" of the Zagames; in fact, he is the one who created/"evolved" the Zagames; also created the Faemons, both were attempts to recreate his own race, who were wiped out by an Interloper; his age reaches into the millions, he's so old he's long since forgotten his exact age; occasionally wipes his own memories to prevent dementia/madness, but continues to do research and quietly "publish" his works in Stories under pseudonyms, or otherwise passing on "inspiration" to people in those Stories


(Cis man)

Very androgynous in voice and appearance (appears to be a young adult), ace (“My biggest love is adventure!” Essentially a mix of Link (specifically his LTTP pink hair look), Klonoa, and Aang.; Has wind manipulation powers/mastery of wind magic, as well as the power to do something as long as he believes in himself and is determined to do it; He is humanoid, though even he himself isn’t sure ‘what’ he is; he has a dog tail (even wags when he’s happy), rabbit ears (no human ears in addition to them; he has sideburns to hide where his ‘human’ ears would have been), cat eyes (heterochromia; dark grey and dark green), and fairly sharp teeth

He is very happy-go-lucky and often rather oblivious to his surroundings; Has a pretty big appetite, and loves to try new kinds of food; Seems to be apparently immortal, though he either isn’t aware of it or doesn’t remember (and doesn’t care) how it happened.

Moves from Story to Story and makes changes to facilitate the Story into a good ending, much like a Janitor; Doña Sapphira has tried to hire him as a Janitor, but he keeps turning down the job offers. Now they just keep an eye on him to make sure his changes don’t end up ruining the Story; so far he has a perfect track record on positive changes.; Speaking of his movements from Story to Story, he seemingly has some kind of magical influence where any characters he interacts with will act like he is an acquaintance of theirs. He helps them or gives them an item that will help push the Story towards a better ending, and then leaves. Once he leaves, the characters won’t remember him but at the least they will still know they have what they need to make things better. Plus, he doesn’t try to take advantage of this to directly interact with main characters, much like a Janitor.; Only those ‘outside’ of the Stories (including the Janitor Menagerie) seem to be able to remember him and interact with him without acting like he’s a long-lost friend.; Seems to have an infinite number of tools, weapons, and other supplies in his Bag of Holding.

Countess Graf

Full name Artura Paige Graf

A literature-themed Celestirit, she has a worn 'big' mannequin body, wear old fashioned ball gowns, and has an old typewriter for a head. She has a lorgnette with her eyeballs in them to see. She is a friend of the Doña, and has control over words, ink, and paper. Countess Graf is also a fan fiction writer, writing about the Stories she observes and likes. Most of her Stories are hosted in the Ideasphere, as well as various fan fiction websites within several Stories.

The Stygian Mother

A rogue Celestirit, she is the happy wife of the Golden Father. She looks like a black mannequin with a gold dress and a floating goldern d20 dice for a head.; She is very jovial and teasing, but can be rather creepy when serious.

A master of singing in various styles, which her husband loves to listen to.; She has control over probability, earth, and space. For the last one, this is in terms of warping space, effectively being able to alter physical realities as she wants. She can enlarge or shrink things, stretch them, rearrange them, destroy them completely, create them from nothing, or otherwise just change them however she wants.

She and her husband travel to different Stories and play different ‘roles’ in the Story; they use a body or construct a puppet to interact with the given Story. Doña Sapphira seems to trust them to not mess up, and they do seem to be friends of hers. Though note that the Stygian Mother is far weaker than the Doña, even with her husband’s help. So even if they wanted to cause trouble, the Doña would be able to easily stop them.

The Golden Father

A rogue Celestirit, he is the happy husband of the Stygian Mother. He looks like a gold mannequin with a black semi-suit (pants, vest, and short sleeve shirt) and a floating comedy mask for a head. The mask does not change expression. He is not quite as outgoing as the Stygian Mother, but he’s still fairly friendly and polite. Like his wife, he’s also rather creepy when serious.

A master of puns, wordplay, and storytelling, which his wife very much loves to hear about.; He has control over curses, sky, and time manipulation. On the last one, this includes abilities such as aging people/things up or down, slowing down and speeding up time, outright stopping time for everyone but himself and his wife (while making others conscious of this), or messing with other people’s sense of time to cause confusion.

He and his wife travel to different Stories and play different ‘roles’ in the Story; they use a body or construct a puppet to interact with the given Story. Doña Sapphira seems to trust them to not mess up, and they do seem to be friends of hers. Though note that the Golden Father is far weaker than the Doña, even with his wife’s help. So even if they wanted to cause trouble, the Doña would be able to easily stop them.