Janitor Menagerie

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The Janitor Menagerie is the organization created by Doña Sapphira to help achieve Good Ends in the Stories under her protection. She ensures that all employees are paid fairly, as well as ensuring that they can get proper medical care when needed. She also makes sure everyone gets an awesome retirement deal.

The Janitor Menagerie was named as such because the Doña believes that janitors should get more respect than they do in most Stories, and the jobs that Janitors do to help Stories is essentially helping to "clean up" the plot. Also, She thinks "menagerie" is a fun word to say.

Note that "Janitor Menagerie" can refer to the organization, as well as any stories involving people from this group.

Roles in the Menagerie

Note that the four main managerial roles are Executive, Director, Manager, and Supervisor. These are in order of actual strength and power, from strongest to weakest, since they are expected to act in place of Janitors when needed. Besides that, they are expected to keep up to date on the health of their assigned Story, as well as keep any employees beneath them safe.

  • CEO: The head of the whole Menagerie, oversees all operations. This is solely Doña Sapphira’s position. Note that the Doña Herself gets absolutely no payment for her position, as it's more of a formality to recognize Her status as the leader of the entire Menagerie. Besides management and ensuring all employees are paid and cared for, She works to protect Stories from outside threats.
  • Executives: A person who oversees a large number of Stories. They report directly to the Doña. If something goes wrong that none of the employees beneath them can handle, Executives are called in as a final-final-final resort. If even this doesn't help, the situation is escalated to the Doña to see what else can be done.
  • Directors: A person who oversees a subset of Stories under an Executive. If something goes wrong that none of the employees beneath them can handle, Directors are called in as a final-final resort.
  • Managers: A person who oversees one particular Story under a Director. If something goes wrong that none of the employees beneath them can handle, Managers are called in as a final resort.
  • Supervisors: A person who oversees a number of the Storylines within the Story under a Manager, and the one directly in charge of Janitors. If something goes wrong that none of the employees beneath them can handle, Supervisors are called in as a last resort.
  • Janitors: The main workers of the Menagerie, these are the ones who go into a Story and change things around to allow for a Good End for whichever Tale they're assigned to. Once one assignment is complete, they will be reassigned to another one within the Storylines under their Supervisor, after a small paid-for vacation.
  • Tailors: If a Story or particular Storyline becomes damaged outside of the actual universe(s) contained within the Story, intentionally or otherwise, Tailors are called in to 'repair’ stories so that Janitors can lead them to a better ending. This is done on the outside of a Story, and actually fixing the 'yarn' that composes a Story. This can be a risky job if the Story's Watchers are not feeling cooperative, in which case Janitors may be assigned to a Tailor for protection.
  • Ombudsperson: A person who inspects a Story and ensures that Janitors (as well as other employees) are doing their jobs correctly. Janitors can also report to their assigned Ombudsperson for any issues or concerns they have with their employment, as a sort of union overseer or advisor.
  • Detectives: They gather information about a Story (such as settings, who the main characters are, etc.) in order to pass along to other employees in order to be able to do their job correctly. They may sometimes collaborate with Ombudspeople in inspecting a Story.
  • Secretaries: Similar to normal secretaries, Secretaries in the Menagerie typical handle various paperwork, arrange meetings, keep track of finances and supplies, ensure other employee are informed of the necessary information, and so on.
  • Archivists: They are in charge of recording and keep track of Stories as accurately to the original Tales and Storylines as possible. They also sometimes make predictions on possible outcomes, and give advisement on what might need to be done for a Good End for a particular Tale. In addition, Archivists will usually work in collaboration with the SAPK (see the Archivists section below for further details) to ensure proper records for all Stories under the Janitor Menagerie.
  • Assistants: Basically miscellaneous employees who do not have an active role in helping Stories, but at least have a role in supporting and organizing the hierarchy itself in other ways. Typically most Assistants are either specifically meant to act as "backup" Janitors for dire situations, specialize in a particular field (such as medical help) to help other employees, or otherwise helping other employees with their own tasks.

Once a Story is basically complete, or at least all Tales have been addressed in some way for the time being, the employees that were assigned to that Story will be reassigned to new Stories. If an Executive or other managerial role is assigned to a new Story/Storyline/etc., the employees underneath them will be moved as well. Besides that, all employees can change roles if they want, besides the managerial roles. This is because the managerial roles are expected to be much stronger than Janitors and non-managerial employees in case of emergencies. Thus, anyone wanting a managerial role, especially the higher levels roles, is expected to keep in top condition, as well as be trustworthy and reliable enough to actually do their job.

No one can become the CEO, since no one in the Menagerie is on the same power level as the Doña, and thus no capable of handling her duties. This is to be expected since She is of a deity species, as a literal deity with powers and strength to match. It's a good thing she's not going to retired any time soon, if ever.

Known Employees

Individual pages coming in the future for each one, some more detailed than others. Consider the descriptions listed here a work in progress for now.


  • Zach
  • Hali
  • Benji
  • Lulalu
  • Suyapa
  • Qwertzert
  • Nilun
  • Henrik Zsolt Kádár (Hungarian Reinhardt)
  • Savitri Tahmina Lapointe (Black lady (half Indian from India, first name suggested by her mom), Dawnbreaker and Duskrender, goddaughter to the previous guy; her father was a former Janitor as well, but retired early due to injuries; she's following in his footsteps with his old weapons)
  • Hyades Delta (Goes by Lynx as a nickname; human, black & agender, can manipulate technology and lights/neon)
  • Loreto Briar Guerrero (Hispanic & tanned, human, neutrois, controls paper thanks to contract with a paper 'demon' (not as bad/evil as most demons), bit of a nerd)
  • Jessica (the Silent Hill one)
  • Big Bertha (full name Bertha Emily Watson) (basically lady Wario, treasure hunter, mostly working as a Janitor to be able to explore other worlds for treasure; has some morals at least, mostly not stealing treasures that are sacred to a minority culture (and/or cursed), and not being mean to kids; has a Magifact known as The Ultimate Swiss Army Knife that can transform into various tools and weapons)
  • The Crank (real name Johnathan Harold Johnsmith) (chainsaw-headed guy, big loud-mouth, basically kinda like Randy Savage/Hulk Hogan except also gay)
  • Atalanta Pytha Ishango (middle name from Pythagorean, last name based on the Ishango Bone; arithomancer, based on the original Homestuck fan character who was obsessed with formulas; deer-ish horns and four elf ears, also glasses; working to study as much about the intertwining of magic and science as much as possible)
  • Queen Cougar (real name Barbara Tulip Esser) (no longer tanned/wearing fishnets/wearing high heels, change to converses and shorts; keep the jacket and sports bra; super strength and durability)
  • Oscar Dren Linwood (given and middle name are deer related; faun-like deer demon (not evil demon), tends to intimidate people on accident by smiling too much, is married to the fae character below; goes by he/they and is nonbinary man/genderfaun; has powers related to TV and radio signals/noise/etc.)
  • Parisa Satu Linwood (given and middle name are fairy related; Fae-like character, polite to a disturbing degree(?), is married to the faun character above; goes by she/they and is nonbinary woman/genderfae; associated with inkcap mushrooms and has ink-related powers)
  • Esther Ariel Avenir (tapir lady, middle and last name are references to fonts; gamer chick, very laid back and likes to make bad puns (meant to be Sans-ish in personality), can create and control light constructs, but has an easier time controlling them using an actual game controller; friends with Lulalu)
  • Cyan Ruby Turner (initials refer to CRT video; pixelmancer, demiwoman (they/she), TV monitor object head, can manipulate and create pixel constructs; rather egotistical)
  • Jack Λ Castellano (middle name is Lambda; theater mask guy, not as his head but actually wearing a mask as a face, a Payaphim; a bit of a Casanova, or at least he tries to be; very dramatic theater clown)
  • Kelly (full name Kelebek Morgenstern, no middle name) (butterfly person (butterfly wings on head and golden eyes, but otherwise looks human), bigender (species naturally has bigender/androgyne and neutrois as sexes, where androgyne can act as either female/male, and neutrois are usually mean to be extra helping hands), can manipulate and create poisons; is actually a sweet person, but their poison abilities tend to scare people off)
  • Nicole Shirley Presley (each part of her name comes from a celebrity; blue elf lady, kind of a Casanova, attacks using ice/cold and lighting)
  • Rion (from marionette; puppet-person with no face (Skull Kid expy), can't remember what happened to their face; has puppetry powers, can manipulate people and things using 'strings', can also just use the strings like chains/whips, and even form things like nets)
  • Chef Clyde Dolan (no middle name; Dingodile + Slurpuff + the Candle Chef from Gregory Horror Show + the cake boss from Super Mario RPG + dash of demon; token 'evil' teammate, big on turning people into food (as ingredients), has a girlfriend made of food who is a dessert-themed Miran)
  • Heather (Chimera, tiger head, deer eyes, boar tusks, goat horns, bear arms, mantis shrimp(blast!!)/lobster pinchers (so two pairs of arms, one bear and one pinchers), scorpion tail, tortoise body, duck feet, rabbit legs, beetle wings; she's very nice, but tends to scare off a lot of people)
  • Trevor Edward "Eddie" O'Malley (Spindly Vivz-style, nonbinary man, wields a crowbar and has a ton of entities trapped into his shadow for his own use (demons, ghosts, angels, aliens, there's even a God in there supposedly; partner to Kimberlynn)
  • Kimberlynn Ashleigh Davis (Spindly Vivz-style, cis woman, bit on the chubby side and has pom-pom hair, with the bangs in different colors; wields a baseball bat with nails in it, and doesn't have any special powers besides being more durable and stronger than normal humans; girlfriend to Eddie)
  • Trafelgar the Mighty (orc man, friends with Savitri's dad and Henrik)
  • Pück (three-eyed raven monkey, agender (xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xemself name should have two dots over the u, though spelling it as “Pauck” is acceptable for xem; has abilities related to making real world 'glitches' and 'cheats'; a big fan of speed run tactics, since these usually involve glitches or cheats)
  • Polly & Ana (Conjoined twins; Polly is very social and has X eyes, while Ana is very antisocial and has an X mouth)
  • Henna Lali Rossini (Darkish red hair, tan skin, golden eyes; very boisterous and adventurous, fights with a pair of gun Magifacts that can shoot different types of magic from their bullet chambers)
  • Cherry Rosa (Real name Rosalind Sakura Blomgren (her parents were otaku, hence the middle name despite not being of Japanese descent lesbian woman, has pink hair and pink eyes, and has magic powers over flowers/botany and friendship/love; her wife (Anemone Hanako Flores Blomgren, wanted to keep both last names but without a hyphen; she has blue hair and blue eyes) met her through a support group of children of otaku parents)
  • Luna Estelle Soleil (Trans woman, has Arco the black snake as her left arm, and Iris (EE-rees) the white butterfly acting as her "Navi"; very quiet and soft spoken, though mostly due to a past of being bullied for her voice; from a magic race of humans (has reddish orange hair and dark purple eyes, her eyes turn lighter when using magic), and can channel and use magic via a key, which can also transform into weapons; Arco can also transform into weapons, usually as a 'buster arm' for long-range attacks)
  • Rowenn the Autumn Keeper (Anthro cape fox, though with darker brown coloration; has magic themed around autumn: plant manipulation, rot inducement, wind magic, invisibility via leaves, etc)
  • Sargasso (eel/sea dragon from the (Iracema?) setting, has a scimitar, rambunctious pirate dude; ex of Captain Calypso, they broke things off on bad terms and hate each other now)
  • Ankhgelica (ankh + Angelica, likes to be called "Ahn" for short), the ENA expy with the horn + halo; "female head, male body, no genitals/chromosomes" angelic being (identifies as a woman very jovial and really likes guns; has an agender sibling named Crosstopher (cross + Christopher), they're not a part of the Menagerie, but sometimes visits their sister at work)
  • ECMAbot #23 (A robot with multiple personalities; no one knows if their personalities is what they were programmed with, if it is the result of trauma like with most humans with multiple personalities, or if ECMAbot is simply a robot with the personalities of other now-destroyed robots; thankfully, the personalities have a shared core memory thanks to being a robot, so there's no disassociation between them; collectively ECMAbot is referred to with they/them, but each personality also has their own names and pronouns: Qwerty, she/her, very amicable; Azerty, she/her and he/him, rather dour and easily annoyed; Jcuken, he/him and xe/xem, rather rambunctious and sometimes overly-friendly; Dvorak, he/him, very formal but also serious; Colemak, they/them and phe/per, kind-hearted but also rather a pushover/people-pleaser; Maltron, it/its and ne/nem, highly analytical but quite cold; Plum, no pronouns, a quirk in Plum's programming prevents this personality from accessing the sound functionalities of the ECMAbot, hence Plum does not talk; it works well for Plum because this personality is already rather shy and anti-social; ECMAbot is named after a keyboard standard, and their personalities are all named after keyboard formats)
  • Tariel Pitch Kuroki (first name is Georgian and can be translated to "dark hero", middle name is related to the term "pitch black", and last name is written with the Japanese characters for black (黒 "kuro") and tree (木 "ki; since he is apparently neither Georgian nor Japanese, it's believed this is a fake name he put together himself to make himself sound cooler; however, he's too shy about it to admit it; in general he's fairly shy but makes for a very determined fighter; Tariel is a demon guy who wields the Blood Moon Scythe as a weapon; the scythe gives him the ability to manipulate fire, blood, and shadows; without it, Tariel still seems to have resistance against fire, as well as being durable against attacks in general)
  • Zippi Allegri (First name is made up, meant to be reminiscent of "zipping" around quickly, no middle name; last name is derived from an Italian nickname for a person who's quick and lively; she's basically a Sonic parody, being a cheetah gal who is very quick; she can go super fast (essentially teleports), but this tires her out for a short amount of time; very lively, sometimes hyperactive at times)
  • Pépin (A doll that came to life due to a child's wish; he doesn't talk but can at least express himself through his face)
  • Marie-Christine Vivienne Giroux (assassin bunny lady; absolutely hates being called just Marie or just Christine; very serious and hates to joke around on the job)
  • Jaquel (monster wolf(?) lady; mix of mostly Digimon in terms of design: Fangmon, Gazimon, Renamon)
  • Lilac (The 'dragon' gorilla-armed lady; doesn't talk at all; can shapeshift just her arms into various things; knows sign language but isn't good at writing; can also communicate in a language using infrasound (low frequency noises), but most Menagerie employees don't have the hearing range needed to hear her; dating Francois)
  • Francois (Beaked(?) monster with black-and-white tongue; a polite fellow, though his appearance tends to scare people, especially since he can't talk; he can use sign language and writing to communicate, and can hear infrasound; dating Lilac)
  • Rufus (Red dragon; Bit of a nervous wallflower, but he tries his best as a Janitor; he can breathe fire and other types of magic, fly (though he's clumsy at it)
  • Aruna (T-Rex; intelligent and sapient, though only speaks in Spanish; bit of the quiet type, but more in that she likes to stay quiet instead of being shy)
  • Grizelda the Great (Mephistomon-esque demon lady; she is one of the oldest Janitors who are still working, and possibly immortal; she is proficient with various kinds of magic, but especially dark magic, black magic, curses, and chaos magic; she is of a species of demons that "procreate" by tricking humans into summoning new demons, basically they are created through dark magic combined with human imagination)
  • Gorgon Zabre (old sabertooth tiger character, now kind of a mix of sabertooth cats and Gorgonopsia; orange teeth, black fur, long ears, no tail, orange claws; very grump/anti-social, prefers to do work by himself)
  • Ix Tab (Old lizard lady OC; has a Magifact known as the Mobius Gunbelt, can pull out an infinite amount of guns with ammo (they disintegrate once they run out of bullets); not exactly anti-social, but not super out-going either; she is her Story's equivalent of Mayan, or at least the human DNA that was used to create her was of Mayan origin)
  • Malak (animalistic "angel"; long neck, "mask" face with wing ears, lion front legs, bird talon back legs, lion-like tail with tuft; very friendly though tends to phrase things awkwardly and/or misunderstand things due to being unfamiliar with humanoid culture and language)
  • Arkadios of the Apex (An angel whose halo is a full circle, and has insect-like wings made to look like bird wings; wears a puffy black shirt (with a black jabot, the frilly kind), black bell bottom pants, and black pointed shoes; blue skin, yellow eyes with black sclera; eyes change to black with yellow sclera when using magic (sound, wind, and light are Arkadios' specialty), his halo also glows while using magic; very stand-offish most of the time, and will be very egotistical whenever helping people; his species is naturally genderless, but Arkadios has a preference towards being perceived as a man)
  • Eun (Four-legged beast that looks like it's made of silver, has a square muzzle and pointed ears that look almost like horns, and very short tail; does not speak at all, only has the same vocal chords as most animals; however, is just as intelligent as any sapient being; goes by it/its since it has no sense of gender anyways)
  • Tirta (Once a water guardian of a sacred spring, the spring was bulldozed over to create apartments, and thus it was out of a job and joined the Janitor Menagerie sometime after that; made of water but has "eyes" made of patches of water that are more of a dark green than the rest of its blue water; can of course shapeshift, including shifting into different phases of water with no harm to itself)
  • Kirsikka "Kirsi" Tuominen (Full name is Finnish, with first name meaning "cherry" and last name from a word that means "bird cherry", a type of cherry tree; chubby poodle lady with dark skin and white hair; she has powers over sugar and sweets, fights with desserts; she hates Chef Clyde and thinks he's a creep)
  • Hezekiah of Robust Bravery (Buff tiger man, excels best with hand-to-hand combat, and is a master at all sorts of fighting styles, from several martial arts to things like boxing and wrestling; he is friends with Trafelgar, Henrik, and Savitri's dad)
  • Martīya of Ctesias (Name comes from a Persian compound word that is believed to be the origin of the word "manticore", as well as the Greek physician who first described manticores; a manticore-chimera hybrid, with some unicorn and "monster sheep" ancestry as well; Lion head/face, front legs, and front half of body; goat legs, horns, and back half of body; ram-like secondary horns, and "mane" is more curly/fluffy like sheep wool or wispy like a unicorn's mane; snake fangs in mouth, and snake scales on back of body (not including neck); scorpion tail; unicorn horn in center of forehead; has psychic powers and her main attacking method is to manifest arms made of psychic energy, as well as psychic blasts; has a rivalry with Gorgon Zabre; dating Sebae)
  • Sebae Breitensteini Kyaiktiyo (All parts of name come from the scientific names of different species of pythons; giant teal python lady; she has four human-ish arms and six lizard/crocodilian legs; her abilities include being able to manipulate the fluidity/viscosity/solidness of objects (not living things), as well as perceiving the "properties" of someone or something (age, relationships, abilities, etc); dating Martīya)

Managerial People

  • Lyndia Von Guayaba (Executive her first name is a combination of Linda and Lydia; A very stern old giant slug woman. Has a Mexican accent; She is very by the books, follows rules to the t. Although she is not above using malicious compliance against annoying or terrible people (i.e. following the rules to punish them for their own hubris Very formal as well, always refers to people by their title and last name.; Enjoys knitting, crocheting, and cross-stitching, as well as drinking hot chocolate.
  • The Breathing Man (Director Very jovial man, pretty much always smiling; Seems to be human, just incredibly pale; Has a cleft lip and is missing a few fingers; Carries a briefcase that has the same properties as Zach’s Hammerspace, i.e. that just about anything that be pulled out of it. However, unlike that, this briefcase is not limited by Rule of Funny, so The Breathing Man will pull out whatever he wants. The only downside is that it requires access to the briefcase, so if he loses it, he has to find a new one. In essence he can take an ordinary briefcase and change it into ‘his’ new briefcase, it just tends to be a hassle.
  • Virgo Maria (Manager A very stern and cold woman, always speaks in monotone, and increases the volume of her voice to indicate anger.; Just about everyone who ranks below her either outright fears her or respects her out of fear. Apparently she’s quite skilled in mind-warping magic, as well as healing and destructive magic in general.; She considers Taurus Cornelius and Cancer Legion her only true friends. Everyone else is either an employee, a superior, or an enemy.
  • Taurus Cornelius (Manager A very friendly fellow despite his appearance being rather off-putting to most people. Has powers related to light, fire, and electricity.; Has a slight Texan accent; Loves to watch soap operas for the hilarity of how ridiculous they can get. He is a more genuine fan of detective/mystery shows.
  • Cancer Legion (Manager A literal pile of cancer. Prefers to be referred to as an it. Has powers related to sound, flesh, and cold.; Is very soft-spoken, but when it talks it basically sounds like several whispery voices overlayed on top of each other.; Really likes comics and graphic novels.
  • Mr. Jefé Fuegofuentes (Supervisor Full name: Richardo Juan-Pablo Fuegofuentes the Second (hates to be called junior He’s not exactly the nicest person, being a rather big braggart who’s more than happy to run off if things go wrong. In the past, he was also willing to throw his employees under the bus to save himself, but he was reprimanded enough that he doesn’t dare do this again (he serves under Virgo Maria, which means he was given VERY harsh punishments). He gets annoyed when others bring it up.; He kinda sounds like George Lopez. Indeed, Jefé is from his original Story’s equivalent to Mexico.; Has a rivalry with Artymees, to the annoyance of both of their employees.
  • Artymees (Supervisor Full name: Artymees Atheenah Xanthopoulos; She is of Greek descent (or rather her original world’s equivalent to Greek), but for some reason she pretends to be French, even faking a bad accent; Almost as bad of a braggart as Mr. Jefé. Almost...; She general treats her employees better than him, but she tends to use it as a reason to proclaim that she is such a good person. She does this for most of her other good deeds.; Has a rivalry with Jefé, to the annoyance of both of their employees.
  • Mz. Kizmet (Supervisor Full name: Xatherine Yary Zmith (pronounced the same as “Katherine Mary Smith”, no one’s sure if she’s just messing with people by spelling it this way A calm and soft-spoken lady, prefers not to get too much in people’s way.; She has the ability to predict the future, which has greatly helped with her planning her employees’ jobs, and made her invaluable in the Menagerie. Her powers are not quite powerful enough for her to be in a higher position, but she prefers it this way due to less stress to deal with.; Loves to pull pranks, though her monotone-ish laugh after a successful prank can catch people off guard.
  • Sir Inkwell (Supervisor Full name: Maxwell Hartwell Inkwell; A very formal man with an inkwell for a head.; Always insists on being referred to as sir, only making an exception for his husband and their children.; Is very straight to the point, but unfortunately this ends up with him skipping important details because he feels such information is “obvious” or “common sense”.; Tends to give his employees deadlines, schedules, and checklists. Carries a planner around to help keep his tasks organized and remembered.
  • Azullana (Supervisor (ll pronounced like y, because Spanish Full name: Azullana Tiamatia Aguado (middle name from Tiamat, the ocean dragon(? first name meant to be reminiscent of ‘azul’, Spanish word for blue; last name is a place name indicating someone who lived by the water A kindly old bird lady, with wings on her head and a blue flame floating about her head. Walk with a cane.; Used to be an amazingly powerful witch in her younger years. Even now, she may not be as strong but she shouldn’t be underestimated.; Some of the Stories she used to work in made cults around her due to the miraculous magic she would pull off to get a Story settled in a good ending. Thankfully they didn’t affect the main Story enough to get her reprimanded, but she still worries about the effect she had on them. Due to the nature of new Stories inheriting elements of their originator Story, some of these cults end up passed onto future Stories.


  • Janessa Gladys Bloxham (The Insomni expy; spoiled and obnoxious)
  • Luniel Pierre Inkwell, Maxwell’s husband (they’re both gay). Acts as a sort of company newscaster, giving updates to all employees on company changes. Also delivers messages between Janitors and any higher-ups. He has a moon as a head, wears sunglasses all the time (even at night), and is missing his right eye (he says some “rude Frenchmen” shot a rocket into his eye, this is a reference to the first movie “A Trip to the Moon”). He is French but learned how to speak English via old music videos. Thus his speech is peppered with outdated American/British slang.
  • Giorgina Sarah Zilberstein (Italian-Jewish lady, human, very grandmotherly and knows a ton of delicious recipes)
  • Yig-draseel (Eyeball tree, flytraps in branches and eyes on trunk)
  • Seda Öykü Byrd, a secretary, the main one that handles the business of the Janitors/Managers/etc that are focused here. She has a modern wireless telephone as her head, which allows her to receive and make calls from anyone and anything. If the receiver part of the phone is lost, she can sense where it is and track it down. Her first name is a Turkish name meaning voice/echo, while her last name is meant to make a pun on secretary bird.
  • Tony Nevukhadnetztzar Pasternack (Watchclock-head man, Seda has a crush on him but he hasn't noticed yet; is Jewish)
  • Tom Frank Humdinger (Not Thomas nor Franklin; a cartoon man who seems on edge all the time, but in reality it's just that he's very alert)


  • Dr. Diente (full name Cristóbal Eugenio Diente; smiling mouth object head; Acts as one of the Doctors for the Heirarchy, specializing in a lot of different types of medicine; Has a Cuban accent; Really likes polka-dots, his outfit is covered in them; He also works as a dentist, and encourages people to have good dental habits.
  • Mike (full name Michael Carl Thornton; the bowling alley Miran; part of the official "places for relaxation and fun" for Menagerie employees)
  • Lara Margaux Beaumont (the dry bar (non alcoholic drinks) Miran and her husband Deion Jamal Beaumont (rose quartz gemstone head part of the official "places for relaxation and fun" for Menagerie employees For the husband: Dark skin, his voice sounds African-American to most people; for the wife: appears as a tanned older elf woman. The husband wears various shades of pink, but hates when people assume it means he’s gay (he’s straight)
  • Yaxk’in (pronounced ”yashkeen”) (means “sun” in classic Yucatec Mayan), He is a type of Kukulkan /Quetzalcoatl type of creature with his tail lit on fire, allowing him to use fire attacks. He has large lower-jaw tusks and his tongue is always sticking out so he speaks with a slight lisp. Sort of an assistant to Director Guayaba herself, will sometimes help Janitors in dire situations. Note that he is specifically Mayan, and dislikes being referred to as Aztec (Kukulkan (Mayan) vs. Quetzalcoatl (Aztec his background is that his ancestors originally lived in the Yucatec Pennisula, but fled to Copán in Honduras to escape the Spanish conquests; he was born and raised in Copán, and grew up with Mayan and Honduran culture, so he considers himself both He loves to drink Abuelita brand hot chocolate, with specks of hot chili peppers
  • (Benji's two siblings, occasional support 'summons')
  • Daemonia (demon reaper)
  • Hubert Philbert Nyberg (An office Miran, endless office building with an average white guy in a brown suit as the humanoid form) Acts as one of the "headquarters" of the Janitor Menagerie.
  • Erika Lenore Kerry (Another office Miran, this one with its humanoid form looking like a bubbly lady with pigtails and a blue suit) Acts as one of the "headquarters" of the Janitor Menagerie.

The Doña's personal assistants (the three old servants to the Dona; Madam Výx, Maven Väd, Master Vøn) These characters can be “summoned” by Janitors for extra help. However, these three in particular require CEO approval before doing so, due to their power. Any Janitors caught trying to summon them without permission will be obliterated immediately. They were rumored to have been created by the CEO herself, to serve as the ultimate guardians to her Stories, but in reality they were just three very powerful individuals from some of the first Stories that the Doña worked with, who decided to be friends with her and help her out from then on. They are all incredibly old, and are possibly outright immortal at this point.

  • Madam Výx: 13-tailed anthro huli jing (Chinese shapeshifting fox), she somehow managed to split her tails into 13 instead of 9, but no one knows how. She’s very skilled in magic, and is incredibly physically strong as well. She was used as a DNA sample to create Benji (she is the DNA that was assumed to be Circe the goddess of magic), had created the magical items that Suyapa uses, and collaborated with the other two to create Nillun’s Gauntlet.
  • Maven Väd: Side-ways eye in a witch outfit with raven-like features, despite their appearance they are not as well versed in magic as the Madam. Instead, the Maven has control over abstract things, such as psychic powers and dreams. She is an ancestor of Lulalu, provides dream guidance for Halilah, and collaborated with the other two to create Nillun’s Gauntlet.
  • Master Vøn: A transhumanist who became a robot, he is incredibly skilled in all aspects of technology. He has several robot bodies, and a central computer housing his mind, which is backed up regularly. They all have aspects of deer (antlers, ears, hooves, tail) due to him being a closet furry, though he’ll never admit it. He had designed a lot of the classes that Zach took to become a computer programmer, designed the basic parts (schematic, programming, etc) that lead to the creation Qwertzert, and collaborated with the other two to create Nillun’s Gauntlet.


  • Auburney Pyre; a fully bandaged woman with fire powers; first name is a combination of the color “auburn” and the name “Aubrey”, sometimes goes by Auburnt as a nickname; is dating Min
  • Primrose Joan Rogerson; goes by "Detective Prim" most of the time; older human woman, strawberry blonde hair, looks tired most of the time; has been plagued by two spirits that had latched onto her at some point before joining the Menagerie, when they attempted to prey on her by becoming manifestations of her then-not-diagnosed bipolar disorder (one becoming Mania and the other Depression). Prim has long since gotten them both under control, by actually fighting and weakening the spirits, as well as getting her diagnosed and undergoing therapy and medication. Now the spirits are just annoying figments that she can actually control/command to a degree.


  • “Mr. Bobbins”, Oddswick N. Endsworth, a Tailor; Tailor is a job title much like Janitor, so Tailor need not be thematic to actual tailoring like Mr. Bobbins is. He is the Tailor that will most commonly be seen repairing the Stories we see, when needed.


  • Duchess Van Der Zee; full name: Grand Duchess Kreszentia Odilie Van Der Zee, Cartographer of the Sea of Stars, High Witch of the Nebulous Ocean, Wielder of the Maritime Nova, Heir to the House of Lazulistein, Hero of the War of Azural Death, High Ombudswoman of Stories, Researcher of the Things Beyond the Beyond, Champion of the Moon’s Blessing; great aunt of Lulalu, equivalent to a mix of European (mostly Spanish, Italian, and Dutch)
  • Min; Fair Marchioness Myeong-Suk 明淑 “Min 敏” Alptraumberg, Assistant to the Cartographer of the Sea of Stars, Apprentice Witchling of the Nebulous Ocean, Alchemist of Stygian Materials, Master Dancer of the Blade, Collector of Dreams and Nightmares, Seamstress of Bodily Flesh; The Ombudswoman’s assistant, Auburney’s girlfriend, and equivalent to half-German and half-Korean


  • Merle the Somber (stressed shadow imp; despite the stress, they do genuinely enjoy their work with the Menagerie)
  • Opal Odette Ogawa (The ant lady, adopted daughter of Ryōichi Ogawa, the head of SAPK, see below; she is very serious but also quick to anger, especially since she hates to be mistaken for a child due to her height; she has a deep voice and a British accent)
  • Mr. Bobert Crumpett (Very tall, has a strange face; very friendly and easygoing)
  • Richard "Richie" Howitzer (No middle name; an object head with a bunch of red angel wings with eyes in place of his head; rather gullible and easy to try, and also tends to have jokes go over his head)
  • Xylleen (Pronounced "zill-EEN" or "zill-LEEN", she doesn't mind either way; an alien-dragon being, she's a bit depressive most of the time, or otherwise too focused on her work as an Archivist; she likes to sing songs to herself as she works)
  • Ratticus Flinch (Name is a parody of Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird; rat crossed with a dino raptor, along with an extra pair of human-like arms; very awkward and tends to flee from social interaction, especially if it involves making him contribute to conversations)
  • Bradley Oswald "Ozzie" Huxley (A nerdy guy, bear (as in gay men); fairly friendly and enjoys helping Janitor find the records that they need)
  • Meaboa (a large floating amoeba with one eye; loves to organizing thing, but gets frighteningly mad when things are disorganized)
  • Hyacinthe Narcisse Brisbois (full name is all French, given and middle names are flowers, last name means something like "to cut a forest"; unicorn humanoid with a wavy horn; has hooves in place of finger/toe nails, and a beard; nonbinary, goes by they/them)
  • Joyce (Angel, goes by she/her and likes to think of herself as a woman; large face with 5 eyes covered by a golden mask (shaped like a long triangle, main point downwards); wings for ears; long red cloak, her dark scratchy arms come out from under her cloak, seems to have an infinite amount of them; very cold and logical, but not in a bad way, just comes off as standoff-ish and professional/to the point to most people)
  • Nefertari of Men-nefer ("Men-nefer" is an alternate/original name for Memphis in Egypt, originally a capital of Ancient Egypt; Lady with a light projection (ghost? spirit?) of a two-head snake, one head as a hognose snake and the other as a vine snake; Tends to be seen as the "head" of the Archivists, but mostly because she is the current longest working one (several centuries old))
  • Society for the Accurate Preservation of Knowledge (SAPK), a large group of Scrivenions who help the Doña accurately record all information about the Stories under her protection. They work hard to not embellish the facts, until most other Scivenions, and help provide this information to the Menagerie when needed. The current head of this organization is Ryōichi Ogawa, the twin brother of the individual known as "Pappy Cyrus", real name Ryōsuke Ogawa (see Morbid Mayhem!! article).

Current Hierarchy

The following lists describe the hierarchy of a small portion of the employees listed above.

  • Virgo, Taurus, and Cancer are all Managers under The Breathing Man. In turn, he is a Director under Lyndia Von Guayaba
    • Supervisors:
      • Under Virgo Maria: Jefé, Artymees
      • Under Taurus Cornelius: Mz. Kizmet, Sir Inkwell
      • Under Cancer Legion: Azullana
    • Janitors:
      • Under Jefé: Lulalu
      • Under Artymees: Suyapa, Qwertzert
      • Under Mz. Kizmet: Benji
      • Under Sir Inkwell: Halilah
      • Under Azullana: Zach, Nilun