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The term Obserity is a combination of the words observer and Authority.

Obserities are often referred to as demons, though that is only because this is the closest word to describe their appearances. They are made from the souls of those who were only the 'background' characters of a Story, seemingly at random.


Their appearance can be described as a humanoid with unguligrade legs, the texture/appearance of a skinless human for their body, and three fingers on their hands. Juvenile and young adult Obserities also have a tail, which grows shorter until it disappears upon reaching their equivalent of 30s/40s. On that note, Obserities are very long-lived, though they do have a limited lifespan.

They all have some combination of horns, antlers, and/or tusks, and besides breakage they tend to naturally have at least four of these features (i.e. two horns and two tusks, four antlers, etc., always in pairs). They also tend to have strange eyes, mouths, and noses (usually just holes in the skin rather than actual noses) that can be placed all over their heads. They have the “regular” number of eyes (2, not necessarily close together or on mirrored locations), mouths (1), and noses (2 nostrils close together), the unusualness comes in the placement.

For their eyes, they tend to have non-white sclera (ranging from medium grey to very dark grey, but never lighter greys nor completely black). They also tend to have unusual irises and pupils, shaped in different ways (sunbursts, crescents, diamonds, etc). The pupils tend to be darker than the sclera. For iris colors, Obserities tend to have colors such as gold, dark red, navy purple, silver, blood orange, dark pink, and platinum white. All of these iris colors tend to have a “sparkling” effect as well.


The souls that become Obserities end up wandering into the Noisespace to create new Obserities. The Noisespace is a place that is seemingly 'made' of noise, static, and glitches. This location is a layer of existence 'within' the Nothingness, though it is neither a Miran nor its own Story. Obserities can bring other beings into the Noisespace, but must be careful to lead them out at some point due to a deteriorating effect on such guests from the Noisespace. This location also has its own plants and animals, though they are quite abstract and hard to look at, since they seem to be made of noise/static/glitches the same as the Noisespace itself.


Obserities also have the ability to warp reality to a certain degree. This reality warping can involve things such as changing the laws of physics or other ‘rules’ of a Story. However, this is only temporary and can drain a lot of energy from an Obserity, though they can train themselves to use this ability for a bit longer. Beside this, most Obserities are rather adept at destructive magic, though this is mostly for self-defense than actual harm.

Obserities do not have a gender nor physical sex, and often refer to themselves with it/its pronouns. Although, some individuals may choose different genders and pronouns for themselves, and (most) other Obserities don’t really mind. This is basically equivalent to how some humans may be nonbinary in small numbers compared to the overall population.

They communicate in a language that they call “singing”, though it is more like noises and musical notes. Their voices tend to sound like various distorted instruments. Their names are also basically a set of musical notes, though they tend to try to ‘translate’ it to the closest musical term (example: an Obserity whose name is an arpeggio may be named Arpeggio). They can speak human languages, though they tend to have difficulty in doing so, and their voices usually end up sounding like warped/distorted text-to-speech programs.

Obserities will enter a Story to observe intense and/or important acts. They feed off the energies produced by such acts, both good and bad. They will make themselves invisible in order to safely enter Stories and feed off of these actions and events. They will never interfere with the Story itself, not even to change events for more important/intense acts to occur, but the gathering of Obserities in a particular part of a Story is usually a good sign that something very amazing or very terrible is about to happen. No one is able to stop the act, but the Janitor Menagerie will at least make sure that the heroes can pick up the pieces afterwards if it’s particularly bad. A gathering of Obserities is called an Audience, much like how a group of crows is called a murder.

Examples of Obserities

The following are examples of named Obserities in the Storyverse setting. Note that most Obserities will have music-related names, though this is not a hard rule:

  • Xylo, a member of the Morbid Mayhem!! crew.
  • Arpeggio, an Obserity who became immortal through a very traumatizing experience. It no longer has any skin, now being bandaged all over its body besides its eyes and horns. It is easily angered and very untrustworthy towards anyone except for a select few individuals.
  • T'zalko, an Obserity who became immortal at the cost of its own head. It is a bit of an "edgelord", though it is one that can cause fatal damage to Stories if left unchecked.