Monstriend Special Classifications

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Some very rare Monstriends may fall under special classifications, in addition to having certain elements, origins, and forms. This article goes into further detail on these classifications and how they are assigned.


These are basically one of a kind Monstriends that are true gods/deities, unlike Celestial Monstriends. That is, they exist without needing to depend on human belief and faith for their existence. Incredibly hard to find, unique, and cannot be captured at all. Some of these even helped shape the world of the Monstriends Project.


These are akin to cryptids in the real world. As such, these are rare and powerful Monstriends which may or may not actually exist. Some of these may be on par with Legendary Monstriends in terms of how many individuals there are of a particular Mythic Monstriend, while others supposedly have multiple individuals of a single species.


Equivalent to Lovecraftian horrors and demons, these rare Monstriends are dangerous to willingly seek out. They are not necessarily “evil”, but simply very difficult to control. There are more that one of most kinds of Eldritch Monstriends.

These tend to be Celestial Monstriends, mostly because they can also form pacts with humans. However, unlike regular Celestial Monstriends, pacts with Eldritch Celestial Monstriends tend to pretty much always be bad, usually to teach the humans a lesson.


Powerful Monstriends that are more often than not a bad omen of something terrible happening soon. They seem to be one of a kind, and specifically almost like manifestations of the type of disaster they are predicting, both natural and manmade. For example, a nuclear-themed Apocryphal Monstriend would appear in an area to warn humans about an incoming nuclear disaster.

They seem to be something like Alchemy Monstriends, though they also still don’t quite fit, and no one is sure who would be creating them in the first place. Most Apocryphal Monstriends fall under the Spirit origin, specifically counting as Apparition Forms, though others may also be Fauna or even Celestial.

It is said that capturing one of these will stop the disaster that it is predicting. Indeed, there are several known cases of this happening, but the main problem is just being able to capture these rare and powerful Monstriends in the first place.


These are special cases of an ordinary Monstriend basically ascending into a new and more powerful form. This is the closest thing to regular evolution (a la Pokemon and Digimon) in the Monstriend Project Story. These Demiurge transformations are very rare and only occur after intense training, as well as possibly after a random set of actions. No two Monstriends will undergo the exact same Demiurge transformation, making them unique.