Monstriend Elements

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Each Monstriend has their own element, which represents their “type”, similar to how it works in Pokemon. Elements give Monstriends their own strengths and weaknesses, and certain elements may also have sub-elements that can grant additional effects.

Strengths and Weakness

Each Monstriend has a Primary element, basically their main type. They cannot have more than one Primary element, nor can they have no element at all. The closest to having no element is just having Neutral as the primary element.

However, Monstriends can also have up to 3 Secondary elements. The Primary element provides the base strengths and weaknesses a Monstriend has against other Monstriends. The Secondary elements give additional strengths and weakness, but not to the same degree as Primary elements. In most cases, Secondary elements add “percentages” to certain strengths and weaknesses, either increasing or decreasing them depending on the combination of elements. For example, a Monstriend that has Fire as its Primary element, but Earth as its Secondary element, will has less of a weakness to Water than a pure Fire Monstriend.


Sub-elements are elements that count as specific examples of the main elements. Some may also count as multiple elements in one, such as Cloud being both Plume and Water, or Magma being both Heat and Earth. There are endless possibilities for sub-elements, and for each of the elements listed in the next few sections, examples of their sub-elements will also be listed.

Known Elements

The following sections detail the specific elements available in the Monstriends Project Story, as well as their associated sub-elements. These also give a good idea of how the main element works by itself. There are ongoing studies to discovery new sub-elements and even whole new elements, but the latter is full of scams and frauds, since all known elements have already been discovered.

The Duo Elements

The a duo of elements that are seen as major forces in the Monstriend Project Story. Magic and Science are both strong against one another.

  • Magic = Straightforward magic, like Fairy type
  • Science = Laws of science; Physics, Chemical, Bio

The Power Trio Elements

A trio of elements that are associated with forms of power or basic energy. Heat is strong against Spark, which is strong against Cold, which is strong against Heat.

  • Heat = Magma, Thermal, Steam
  • Spark = Magnet, Thunder, Lightning, Electricity
  • Cold = Snow, Ice

The Eclipsical Elements

A quartet of elements that are associated with brightness and organization. In a circle, Light is strong against Chaos, which is strong against Dark, which is strong against Order, which is strong against Light. Light and Dark are strong against one another, and Order and Chaos are strong against each other.

  • Light = Not light as in "good", actual physical/scientific light, though also positive energies; Laser, Holy, Glow, Rainbow, Aurora
  • Dark = Not dark as in "evil", actual darkness and absence of light, though also negative energies; Shadow, Shade, Gloom
  • Order = Not order as in "good", just organization and orderliness; Holy, Psychic, Fighting (in a way), Lawful
  • Chaos = Not chaos as in "evil", just mayhem and Freedom, not an “evil” type but kinda like Dark types in Pokemon (rebellious, punk, etc.)

The Traditional Alchemical Elements

A quintet of elements that are associated with the basic elements used in alchemy, both Western and Eastern. The typing here goes in a star shape. With Water strong against Fire: Water > Fire > Metal > Air > Earth > Water.

  • Fire = Lava, Plasma, Smoke
  • Air = Wind, Vapor, Pressure, Flying
  • Water = Snow, Ice, Bubble, Steam, Vapor, Slime, Cloud
  • Earth = Magma, Lava, Clay, Ground, Dust, Sand, Plant, Wood, Mineral, Nature, Salt, Sulfur
  • Metal = Mineral, Steel, Gold Magnet, Mercury

The Bodily Elements

A sextet of elements associated with the physical body of living beings. Soul is weak against all of the other elements here. For the rest, it goes in a circle, with Heart strong against Mind: Heart > Mind > Flesh > Illness > Decay > Heart

  • Heart = emotions and things like that
  • Mind = memory and knowledge
  • Flesh = Muscle, Organs, Blood, Meat, Bone, Wood, Plant (plants are, in a way, a type of flesh)
  • Illness = Virus, Infection
  • Decay = Death, Ghost, Undead, Fungus
  • Soul = Life, Aether, Spirit, Ghost

The Cosmic Elements

A septet of elements associated with outer space. Void is strong against all of the other elements here. For the rest, it does in a circle, with Moon strong against Sun: Moon > Sun > Nova > Star > Comet > Nebula > Moon

  • Sun = Very different from just Light or Heat by themselves; Solar, Sunlight
  • Moon = Lunar, Moonlight
  • Nebula = A very mystical element; Aura, Aurora
  • Comet = Associated mostly with moving objects in space, besides planets, moons, and suns; Asteroid, Meteor
  • Star = A very mysterious element; Alien
  • Nova = Explosion, Blast
  • Void = In a way, this is a stronger version of just Neutral; Space, Antimatter, Black Hole

The Balanced Elements

These elements are not strong nor weak against other elements, but can offer unique moves to Monstriends of these elements.

  • Toxin = Venom, Virus, Poison, Acid
  • Plume = Smoke, Vapor, Cloud, Gas, Dust
  • Sugar = Sweet
  • Neutral = Null, Normal
  • Artificial = Covers any materials that are artificially made by humans; Ink, Paper, Glass, Toy, Oil, Alcohol, Technology, Thread, Silk, Plastic
  • Sound = Music, Alarm
  • Crystal = Quartz, Mineral
  • Energy = In a more general or "pure" sense than the elements of the Power Trio; Ionic, Pulse, Radiation, Aether, Plasma, Aura, Laser
  • Force = Pressure, Gravity, Magnet