Monstriend Origins

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Each Monstriend has an Origin, which refers to where the Monstriend can be found and how it can be caught. It can also refer to how a Monstriend can be made in certain cases.


Each Origin also has specific Forms. These are exclusive to certain Origins, and basically just represent how Monstriends physically look like. Some Forms may also affect what moves a Monstriend can learn.

Known Origins

he following sections detail the specific Origins available in the Monstriends Project Story, as well as their associated Forms. There are ongoing studies to discovery new Origins and Forms, though at this point the likelihood of discovering new ones continues to go down.


Basically animals that can be caught using special Capbells (“Capture Bells”). These are the closest to regular Pokemon, just without evolutions.

  • Mammal
  • Reptile
  • Bird
  • Arthopods
  • Amphibians
  • Aquatic
  • Alien
  • Object
  • Abstract
  • Micro
  • Kaiju
  • Humanoid (though still animalistic/monstrous)


Things that can be grown, not just strictly plants. These Monstriends are usually for Pokémon Contest style competitions instead of regular battles, where Flora Monstriends are judged based on appearance, how their moves look aesthetically, their general health, etc.

  • Moss
  • Fern
  • Tree
  • Flower
  • Vine
  • Grass
  • Bush
  • Mushroom
  • Mold


Digimon/MMBN style creatures that can be collected and interacted with via an online digital world. Can be taken with people in Cappals (“Capture Pals”) which are basically tamagochi devices that allow for additional caring and training.

  • Malware
  • Int
  • String
  • Bool
  • Image
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Variable
  • Null


Not the ghosts of actual people, basically just ambient energies given life. Sometimes themed around actual deaths, events, and memories from where they spawned. Can be caught using Caperas (“Capture Cameras”), using the resulting photos to release and interact with them. In modern times there’s also an official Capera App for smartphones, though there are also knockoff apps that can harm both humans and Spirit Monstriends. They can only be seen via Caperas (including the app), special eyewear designed specifically to see them, or otherwise by observing the damage they do to their surroundings. They tend to be of the Heart, Mind, and Soul elements.

  • Wraith (anger)
  • Phobia (representing a fear, usually some way that a person died nearby)
  • Shade (A person's shadow)
  • Doppelganger (copycat, resembling a human but varying degrees of uncanny valley)
  • Poltergeist (specialized in moving physical objects, better at this than other Spirit Monstriends)
  • Apparition (representing future danger, a warning, though not on as serious of a level as Apocryphal Monstriends)
  • Phantom (sourced from dramatic/sudden deaths)
  • Wisp (confusion and lost)
  • Specter (Warning of current danger, such as a slippery road or unsteady ladders)
  • Revenant (Scary revenge! Usually forming from incidents that involve betrayal or trickery)


Basically a combination of Cardcaptor and YuGiOh. A person fights and captures a Phenomenon (similar to a Spirit Monstriend, except not yet sentient) into a specialized card device (Capcards, “Capture Cards”). Humans in this setting also have a specialized spiritual weapon they can summon (with a lot of work and training), and these are commonly used to capture Card Monstriends or otherwise fight Phenomenon, since they can’t hurt physical or living/sentient things (hence they can’t be used on Spirit Monstriends either).

  • Attacker
  • Defender
  • Inflicter (status effects)
  • Buffer
  • Healer
  • Trapper (sets traps)
  • Summon (for one turn only, but can deal special attack, condition, or effect to change the battle)


These can be caught in dreams, but then brought into the real world for battles. They are caught using Cappages, "Capture Pages", basically "saving" a Dream Monstriend into a dream journal. Unlike other Monstriends, Dream Monstriends all have 3 forms: Basic, Fantasy, and Nightmare, which they can all switch between. They otherwise come in a variety of appearances.

  • Basic = the normal default
  • Fantasy = More focused on special attacks, associated with positive emotions/memories
  • Nightmare = More focused on physical attacks, associated with negative emotions/memories, tend to be harder to control


These are basically homunculi of each element. How it works is that a person “summons” enough of an element into a physical form. Not really sentient on their own at first, they are solely guided by their summoner’s commands. However, they can gain sentience and even sapience overtime, especially if they are well taken care of by their creators. Alchemy Monstriends usually do not have any Secondary elements, but they can have them with enough additional elemental energy during the creation process. However, this is difficult for most people to pull off. The more different elements a person tries to pull into an Alchemy Monstriend, the harder it is to actually successfully construct it.

No particular Forms, it’s all purely based off whatever element comprises the created Alchemy Monstriend. However, they tend to look fairly humanoid.


Not quite an actual god/deity in terms of power level, but in essence these are various Monstriends with which people can make a Pact with in order to summon the Celestial Monstriend’s underlings, which are then used for battle. These usually come with some sort of price.

Celestial Monstriend do not have particular Forms, they are usually just themed around elements or a concept. Very rarely is a Celestial Monstriend associated with more than one element/concept. They seem to manifest from human belief and imagination, and many different types of Celestial Monstriends will be manifested or fade away with time. Usually, people who form pacts with new Celestial Monstriends will build shrines for them, so that others will know of that Monstriend and know of them enough to keep the Monstriend in existence. These shrines also tend to encourage other people to form a pact with them as well.


Basically like a familiar, a Monstriend that represents a person’s own soul/being. These Monstriends have Soul as their Primary element as a result. They can change appearance depending on their human’s own personality and character development, so they have no set forms.


Dig around for fossils and revive them into Fossil Monstriends. These are usually limited to the Traditional Alchemy elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Metal).

  • Raptor (Not necessarily raptors, but small to medium theropods in general)
  • Rex (Not necessarily t-rexes, but large theropods in general)
  • Ceratops (Triceratops and related/similar dinosaurs)
  • Longneck (Sauropods)
  • Spikeback (Stegosaurus and related dinosaurs)
  • Ankylos (Ankylosaurus and related dinosaurs)
  • Ornithos (Ornithopods and related dinosaurs; "duckface", hadrosaurs, iguanodon, etc.)
  • Pachycephs (The dome-headed dinosaurs, and other related ones)
  • Flyers (Pterasaurs and others)
  • Swimmers (Ichthyosaurs, etc)
  • Longswimmers (Nessie-style aquatic reptiles of the past)
  • Avias (Ancient birds/early birds basically)


Sometimes insultingly called “Gachatype” because of the way they can be obtained only from gacha machines, or otherwise just buying them like regular toys. The infamous Gacha Corp. company has a particularly nasty monopoly on the Toy Monstriends industry. Of course, being made instead of found/captured, all Toy Monstriends have Artificial as their Primary element.

  • Spouse (husband, wife type of characters)
  • Mech
  • Anthro
  • Doll
  • Monster
  • Clown
  • Objectheads
  • Cartoons
  • Witches
  • Folklore
  • Cyborgs
  • Angels
  • Demons


Inspired by Medabots, basically build your own Monstriend using mechanical components instead of magical ones! Mix and match the head, arms, legs, hands, feet, and so on for different effects and elements. So in essence, the actual “Monstriends” are the individual parts, combined together into a new whole.

However, they are still limited to the "one Primary Element, up to three Secondary Elements" rule of Monstriends in general. The Primary Element of a Robot Monstriend is determined by the element of their Chip, which is basically their motherboard/main CPU/heart/mind/soul/etc. A Chip can be transferred to a new Robot Monstriend Body if needed, and most people take care to make backups of their Robot Monstriends. Chips are sold in shops like with regular Robot Monstriend parts, but they must be set up and "programmed" by individual people.

Their forms are more based on aesthetics because of their ability to have mix and match parts. Although there is freedom in how to combine parts together into one Monstriend (besides element constraints), special bonuses like better stats and effects tend to result from Robot Monstriend made from parts that match in terms of 3 or less Forms.

  • Cool
  • Cute
  • Tough
  • Academia (smart/nerdy)
  • Beautiful
  • Goth
  • Jock
  • Rustic
  • Neon
  • Y2K
  • Cyberpunk
  • Steampunk
  • Solarpunk
  • Retro
  • Art Noveau
  • Vaporwave


Monstriends that can be created using specialized ingredients. In essence, they fight one another, and whoever wins turns into an edible meal, while the loser turns into a pile of tasteless mush. There are competitions based on 3 main phases of judgement: cooking technique, battling, and taste. The latter depends on both of the previous phases, so just because someone won a battle doesn’t necessarily mean the final meal will taste amazing.

If a food is made from mostly one type of ingredient, its Form is based on that. Otherwise, the Form will be based on what the dish was intended to be served as (dessert, breakfast, etc).

  • Drink
  • Grain
  • Veggie
  • Fruit
  • Meat (Poultry, fish and seafood included; also insect as a meat/protein source too)
  • Dairy
  • Nut
  • Legume (beans, peas, lentils, etc)
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Snack
  • Entree
  • Appetizer
  • Dessert


These are Monstriends created using art. They are typically created from specialized art supplies specifically for this purpose. They are usually made for short performances, but also sometimes used for battle competitions. These types of Monstriends are rarely on the same sentience/sapience level as humans, basically reverting back into their art forms once battles/performances are complete.

While culinary arts are definitely a form of art, they count as Food Origin Monstriends as in the previous section.

  • Sketch
  • Painting
  • Pottery
  • Statue
  • Scraps (made up of other things, usually repurposed metal/garbage/etc)
  • Digital (digital art)
  • Music
  • Literature
  • Dance
  • Architecture
  • Cinema
  • Theater
  • Photography


Inspired by Blades from Xenoblade Chronicles. These are generated at random from what are called Captals (“Capture Crystals”) that fall from space. No one is sure how they are made, but once a Captal has been activated into a Weapon Monstriend, they gain sentience/sapience mostly on par with humans. Indeed, most of them act like they have memories and personality from before they were stuck as Captals. Weapon Monstriends can be destroyed or otherwise reverted to their Captal state, which wipes out whatever memories they had while active. They are not destroyed/reverted when their user dies, and in fact Weapon Monstriends are special in that they cannot cause lethal harm to humans. They are thus used as part of certain sport/competition events, sort of like Pokéathalon or Splatoon battles, just with humans using these weapons against each other.

  • Sword
  • Shield
  • Pistol
  • Long Gun
  • Cannon
  • Bow
  • Dagger
  • Ball
  • Staff (Includes things like baseball bats and bludgeons, though can also be magic staves)
  • Hammer
  • Mace
  • Axe
  • Spear
  • Punchers (brass knuckles, boxing gloves, etc)
  • Whip
  • Boots (kicking and stomping)