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Thaumaturgaea is a hard magic series, with "Scientific learning in magical arts" as a tagline. The name "Thaumaturgaea" its is a combination of "thaumaturgy" (a term that basically means having an ability to perform magic or miracles) and Pangaea or just Gaea (i.e. Gaia) to represent the Earth. Despite the name, this setting could potentially cover a wide variety of planets, solar systems, and even galaxies. The main focus is on a hard magic series with rules/laws/etc. about magic.

Note that the difference between a "hard magic" setting versus a "soft magic" setting is much the same as hard sci-fi versus soft sci-fi. "Hard" means there are specific and concrete rules/laws/explanations/etc. about how magic actually works and how it can be used. "Soft" means there is more leeway, like following a loose set of guidelines but not being as strict about it.

Besides having a focus on learning about magic more extensively than most other settings, Thaumaturgaea also does not have any sort of magicals vs. mundanes conflict. Magic has a specific explanation in this Story, and everyone can do it with enough studying and magic. So essentially "mundanes" don't exist, everyone has the capability to do magic to some degree, barring cases of rare physical ailments and disorders. This is much like how there are various medical conditions in real life can prevent people from doing certain things.

How good a person is at magic (again, besides rare ailments) depends on whether or not they actually practice and study it, similar to how almost anyone could have great physical abilities with enough exercise and training (barring any limiting conditions). Or how anyone could become an engineer or doctor as long as they have the drive and interest for it.

Thus, there are still plenty of people who do regular jobs and activities without magic. While everyone is capable of magic to some degree, not everyone will want to focus on improving their magic beyond a specific point.

Please see the Thaumaturgaea category page for further pages in this Story.