Ethermos is a soft magic/high fantasy setting, and it is overall influenced by tabletop games, mythology, folklore, and solarpunk concepts. The name is a combination of the words "ether" and "cosmos".
Note that the difference between a "hard magic" setting versus a "soft magic" setting is much the same as hard sci-fi versus soft sci-fi. "Hard" means there are specific and concrete rules/laws/explanations/etc. about how magic actually works and how it can be used. "Soft" means there is more leeway, like following a loose set of guidelines but not being as strict about it.
Meanwhile "high fantasy" just refers to it being set in another world full of fantastical elements, the biggest example of this genre being Lord of the Rings. "Low fantasy" in comparison is where it's set in our world but with magical elements added in to some degree.
The biggest concept of this overall Story is that planets in this setting are actually flat planes of land and water, floating in the Ether Mists, which look like nebula floating through space. There are layers of Ether Mists above and below one another, with various planes floating on each layer. These planes are referred to as worlds.
The space between layers is basically the same as outer space in the real world: mostly an empty vacuum, with occasional stars (much smaller than they are in the real world), meteors, comets, and so on. It is possible but incredibly difficult to move above or below to other layers, but far easier to just travel on the Ether Mists to other worlds on the same layer. This can be done by traveling on literal space ships (i.e. they look like nautical ships and boats just with more advanced technology for space travel, like the ship designs from the Treasure Planet movie).
On the worlds themselves, some of them share certain aspects, creatures, races, etc., while also having certain things that are unique to each one. They each have their own suns and moons (at least one each) which travel over the flat world and then travel under through the Ether Mists, which also help replenish their energy/magic. They all have land and water, but how much of each can vary. Water, be it from oceans, rivers, or lakes, runs off the side of the worlds, but then travels through the Ether Mist underneath to become groundwater. From there, the water can travel back up to being springs for sources of water, or otherwise artificially harvested a la wells and such.
A world is created when a deity has manifested, with the world itself typically being named for whoever was the first deity to appear. These worlds are thus destroyed once all of its deities have died. Deities do indeed have limited lifespans in this setting, but it's in the range of millennia, and under normal conditions, by the time the deities die of natural lifespan depletion, the world itself is already in ruin, be it due to natural disasters or other factors. By this point most of the sapient populations have long since died out. But again, this is all under normal circumstances...
Please see the Ethermos category page for further pages about this Story. You can also take a look at the current set of specific worlds in this setting: